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Writer's picture: Maggie EngelMaggie Engel

Hi my beautiful friends,

I have been deep in travel, ceremony, and preparation. I’m currently in San Miguel De Allende, Mexico co-facilitating our beautiful Journey of the Heart retreat, helping our women to have quantum level leaps in consciousness, to heal densities and blocks, and align their energies with their hearts and with the creation of Heaven on Earth for all.

We planned this deeply healing, up leveling, conscious awakening retreat

to coincide, beautifully with the planetary energies, do utilize the cosmic light available to us!!!

This beautiful moon 3/21/23 12:23 Mexico City time Aries 0 degree New Moon/Equinox energies for the Present moment The New Moon meeting with the sun at zero degrees of Aries represents the beginning of everything, a fresh new cycle, new, new, new, your soul has not been here before in this lifetime, this is the point of the astrological wheel that starts the brand new astrological new year, the beginning, the pure I AM energy, the beginning of conscious awareness as oneself being individual, initiation energies, brand new energies. The new moon/sun at 0 degrees of Aries, is at the midpoint of Neptune and Mercury heralding in a completely brand new cycle that is about our balanced Masculine and Feminine energies in relation to our action energies, being in right action, and opening to receive, at the midpoint of Neptune and Mercury, showing the importance of being in alignment with our highest spiritual ideal/story/timeline for this lifetime, opening to it, and using our active mental fields/ thought patterns/communications about ourselves to be in alignment with this new cycle as it relates to our highest spiritual story. This new moon/ Equinox meet up is following and preceding some incredibly profound, paradigm shifting energies. To start we had a Jupiter/Vesta/Chiron all meet with each other in Aries recently, that’s still active in energies during this new moon. These energies have led us to receive massive downloads of healing, grace, and devotional energies that are directed at our deepest inner child wounds, our ego, our divine masculine energies, and our abundance/ believe consciousness energies. We are now already deep in expanding our individual love quotient and ability to receive these healing energies around us and continuing to greatly expand and heal in this energy. The Mars square (potentially challenging growth point energies) Neptune, the Sun, and Mercury, last week, and we’re stilling feeling at this new moon, is asking us to get real and clear about our most divinely aligned, heaven on Earth path forward for this life, and learn to use our mental fields, thoughts, thought patterns, communications, and writings to pen our Heaven on Earth into reality here, to up level our mental faculties so they match what we’re here to create. Saturn at 1 degree of Pisces is asking us to devote to the love of ourselves, spirit, and this new totally aligned spiritual story. Saturn in a supportive angle to Juno/Venus/North Node Taurus supports this spiritual heart commitment, devotion to our higher timeline, and the higher timeline for the collective, for the creation heaven on Earth. This meet up opens us up to devote, commit, to this graceful harmonious New Earth, heaven on eArth timeline that is in complete harmony and includes devotional, committed, higher frequency spiritual harmonious partnerships and marriages, which will help to harmonize the collective destiny. We are supported in our “dreams coming true” energies, in many areas of our lives. Saturn brings reward to those who are paying attention to their spiritual stories and missions in life, to those listening to their hearts, and aligning with the energies of the greatest good for all, it’s so lovely. Mars is also in a trine to Saturn helping to align our actions with this highest divine path for us, and by the end of the week, he’ll move into Cancer ,after spending 7 months in Gemini, bringing action energy to our emotional fields and I believe he will help us in these new ways of patterning more nourishing, nurturing, and caring behaviors and actions that are in greater alignment with our higher divine paths. Pluto in a supportive angle to the dwarf planet, Ceres, who is currently moving backward, is having us reevaluate and transform how we love, nurture, care for, and nourish ourselves, and those in our life’s’ and Pluto is allowing for a harmonious death of old ways of patterning that were draining and unsustainable, ways that lacked emphasis on nurturing our inner needs in regards to our relationships and our day to day life and routines. With the light of the Sun and Moon at 0 degrees Aries opposite Ceres at 0 degrees Libra ways that we have been out of alignment with and lacking in boundaries with caring and nurturing ourselves will be highlighted and born anew, we will start this week a brand new cycle of nourishing ourselves in deeply healing ways with boundaries that are in alignment with the deepest love for the self and other. We’re supported in caring deeply for ourselves and that leads to a transformation in how we care for our relationships and those we’re in relationship as well. Pluto in Capricorn in a harmonious supportive angle with Neptune in Pisces is supporting the continued upleveling and transformation of our spiritual story here on Earth and allowing for the continuing alignment with our hearts and the shifting of old paradigms of reality structuring here on Earth to be in alignment with the higher frequencies and Heaven on Earth energies that we’re bringing in. Two days after the new moon Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time since the late 1700’s. This heralds life changing energies that will help us to completely shift and transform our vibrational state and our base frequencies, allowing an ascension and transformation of the quantum reality here on Earth, we will truly be shifting our vibrational reality over the next few decades with these energies. It is profound!!

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